Time to Connect

In today's world, as our days become filled with work, kids, friends , activities, church and our mission work, I find myself

struggling to make time to connect and hear God speak.  Sometimes just

my daily activities are so packed that I never slow down to reflect and to

listen for God's voice.  I have learned this puts me in a place of

vulnerability and not receiving the full blessing of God.  I'm writing

this to share where I have personally fallen short but God knows our actions will not be perfect and yet His love always extends grace.


But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud,

But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6 NKJV


As a Christian, I have grown most by being still and listening to God speak.

For myself, reading his word is the place to begin while I journal

my prayers and I have experienced many times that God speaks to me in those moments.  Other times, he has woken me up from my sleep to say:  "I'm going to use you today to tell your story.  You are the one I have chosen."  Now let me just say that this was never something I signed up to do or feel comfortable doing.  I would start to argue with Him thinking

"God, you probably picked the wrong person today."


This leads me to a very important question we need to always ask ourselves…

When God speaks to our heart what do we do with it?

Steward what you hear ...


Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. Mark 4:24 NKJV


God has blessed me through many avenues, but the one I cherish the most

is the mission field.  I have learned that my mission field is wherever

I am that day.  As long as we are open to being good stewards of His will,

God will always bless our efforts.


We at Empower Dreams encourage you to connect through His word and join our team. There are many ways you can serve with us. We would love

to have you be a part of what God is doing at Empower Dreams - join the prayer team or become a volunteer by using your talent.  What will surprise you is what God has planned for you when you take a step to use what talent you have been given.

Check out our video because you may have been made for more than what you are currently experiencing.   http://empowerdreams.org/about-us/


If you are interested joining the team, please contact one of our founders, Paul Staudacher today at Paul@empowerdreams.org.


Lana Adams